Fashion Everything

preorder means making clothes only when there is demand

Preorder is the future of fashion

150 billion garments are made annually - and around a third of those aren't even sold, but destroyed. Enters our preorder model.

Preorder is the future of fashion

150 billion garments are made annually - and around a third of those aren't even sold, but destroyed. Enters our preorder model.

December 4
Excess clothing scattered on bed

Excess Inventory = clothes in landfills

As the fashion industry continues to dump clothes into landfills, Banana is here to provide the tools, connections and support to show creators and consumers how to get back to...

Excess Inventory = clothes in landfills

As the fashion industry continues to dump clothes into landfills, Banana is here to provide the tools, connections and support to show creators and consumers how to get back to...

December 3